The wisdom teeth, or third molars, are the last teeth that come in. They usually begin to emerge between the ages of fifteen and twenty-five, and they can all too often present significant problems for people’s oral health. A tooth that comes in sideways or crooked or that fails to emerge from the gums completely is impacted, and impacted wisdom teeth usually need to be removed for the sake of the patient’s oral health. Here are a few of the issues that arise from impacted wisdom teeth.
Chronic Pain
The wisdom teeth are very large by the standards of human teeth, and people don’t always have enough room for them when they come in. This causes crowding, and the pressure of having too many teeth in too small an area can cause a constant ache. If your third molars still hurt after they have completely come in, you may need to talk to your dentist about the situation.
Difficulty with Cleaning
Keeping your teeth clean is a key part of keeping them healthy, and your third molars can be difficult to keep in good shape if they don’t come in properly. If your wisdom teeth aren’t properly aligned, it can be hard to brush and floss them adequately, making them more likely to develop tooth decay that can spread to the other teeth. For the sake of the health of the rest of a person’s smile, impacted wisdom teeth must be removed.
Shelter for Bacteria
If your wisdom teeth do not completely emerge from the gums, the space between them and the gum tissue can provide a perfectly dark, damp, and warm breeding ground for the harmful bacteria that cause gum disease and tooth decay. These bacteria can eat away at the structure of the gums as well as the jawbone, and these problems will only get worse and lead to tooth loss if the impacted wisdom teeth are not removed.
Pushing Teeth Out of Alignment
Many people spent years achieving a straighter smile through orthodontic treatments in their teens. Since they put so much effort into the process, they usually have a lot of pride in the results. Unfortunately, wisdom teeth that don’t have enough room to emerge properly can push your teeth out of their hard-won alignment. In these cases, it may be best to remove them to keep the rest of your smile in biting shape.
Your dentist won’t recommend an extraction without an excellent reason. Consulting with your dentist can determine if it’s time to part ways with your wisdom teeth.
About the Practice
Smile Fitness Center stands ready to help patients keep their smiles in excellent shape in Phoenix, AZ. Led by Drs. Douglas M. Gordon, Bernard M. Florento, Joseph A. Santoro, and Dositej Stulic, the team is dedicated to preserving smiles in a friendly and welcoming environment. Areas of expertise include general, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry as well as wisdom teeth extractions. To schedule a consultation regarding your wisdom teeth, contact the office online or dial (623) 849-0477.