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Pediatric Dentistry: Thumbsucking Dental Concerns

September 29, 2014

174994145Thumbsucking is a natural reflex in children. Some babies even discover thumbsucking in the womb. Thumbsucking can make them feel secure and soothe them as they to fall asleep. Older children may continue to suck their thumbs or fingers because of exhaustion, boredom or to relieve stress and anxiety. After a child’s permanent teeth erupt, thumbsucking can cause problems with the alignment crowding, crookedness and bite problems. However, the intensity and duration of the thumbsucking determines the potential for damage. To prevent permanent damage, thumbsucking should be addressed by the time that permanent teeth arrive, which is around age six. Make an appointment for your child to see the family dentists at Smile Fitness Dental Center. Smile Fitness Dental Center serves patients of all ages throughout Glendale, AZ, Phoenix, Scottsdale, Tempe, Sun City, Peoria and Paradise Valley.

Addressing Thumbsucking in Children

The damage of thumbsucking could include abnormal alignment of teeth, known as a malocclusion, as well as damage to the structure of the roof of the mouth. If they passively rest their thumb in the mouth, it doesn’t do as much damage as aggressively sucking the thumb. To get your child to stop sucking their thumb you can try the following:

  • Give child praise for not sucking their thumb
  • Focus on relieving anxiety and providing comfort
  • For an older child, involve them in choosing the method for stopping
  • Try putting a bandage on the thumb or a sock over that hand to break the habit
  • Use positive reinforcement to reward children for not sucking their thumbs as opposed to negative comments when they do engage in the behavior, which may only increase the stress and sucking
  • It can take about 30 to 60 days for children to let go of the urge to suck their thumbs
  • Involve your dentist

Pediatric Dentistry and Thumbsucking Help in Glendale, AZ

It’s important to start bringing your child to the dentist when their baby teeth arrive around age one. The dentists can help you address any dental concerns you may have for your children including thumbsucking, cavities and dental hygiene. Make an appointment to visit Smile Fitness Dental for your child’s pediatric dental needs. Smile Fitness Dental Center serves families throughout Glendale, AZ, Phoenix, Scottsdale, Tempe, Sun City, Peoria and Paradise Valley.

Do You Need Cosmetic Contouring?

September 17, 2014

483317827Cosmetic contouring, or reshaping, is a process by which chipped, cracked, misshapen or oddly sized teeth can be reshaped to perfect alignment and continuity with surrounding teeth. Tooth contouring is a quick, painless and inexpensive procedure that can be completed in one visit in as little as 30 minutes. It is usually focused upon the front teeth including the upper central, lateral, and canine teeth since they are the most visible. Removing a small amount of enamel doesn’t hurt the tooth or touch any nerves. There is no healing time required and you can eat immediately after the procedure. To get your perfect smile, make an appointment today with the experienced dentists at Smile Fitness Dental Center in Glendale, AZ. Smile Fitness Dental Center proudly serves patients in Glendale, AZ, Phoenix, Scottsdale, Tempe, Sun City, Peoria and Paradise Valley.

The Cosmetic Contouring Procedure

The process starts with a thorough examination and bite analysis to ensure that you are a good candidate for cosmetic contouring, and that the procedure will improve your bite and not make it worse. The dentist will also x-ray the teeth to make sure that they are healthy enough to undergo removal of a small amount of the surface enamel. The dentist will first remove a portion of the enamel and then reshape and polish the tooth. There is no pain, so anesthesia and sedation are not typically needed. Dentists must make sure that the inner gum tissue above the contoured tooth is healthy. Sometimes the root surfaces must also be reshaped to make sure that the procedure doesn’t eventually lead to gum disease.

Cosmetic Contouring in Glendale, AZ

Before a cosmetic contouring procedure can be performed, the dentist will determine whether the defects that are present in your smile are minor enough to be corrected using contouring and reshaping.  Imperfections like small chips, minor unevenness, slight overlaps, shallowly pitted surfaces, or worn biting areas qualify. However, the reshaping of the front teeth cannot be allowed to disturb the bite or alignment. If you have thin enamel, previous extensive restorations of the tooth or surrounding teeth, recently erupted teeth, gum structure that would be disturbed by the procedure, or teeth that are still shifting, contouring may not be possible. To discuss your contouring options and get started fixing those small imperfections in your smile, make an appointment with the gentle and caring dentists at Smile Fitness Dental Center. Smile Fitness Dental Center is conveniently located to serve patients in Glendale, AZ, Phoenix, Scottsdale, Tempe, Sun City, Peoria and Paradise Valley.

Keep Your Child’s Smile Shining Brightly with Family Dental Care in Phoenix, AZ

April 7, 2014

Shutterstock Little Girl at DentistYou want all the best for your children, from a quality education to the healthcare they receive from their pediatrician. Your little one’s dental care is just as important, building the foundation for a long and healthy life filled with beautiful, happy smiles. At your local dentist’s office in Phoenix, AZ and Peoria, AZ, your child’s oral health and hygiene are top priorities that deserve only the closest attention and best care.

Children’s Dentistry in Phoenix and Peoria

While you do everything you can to maintain your child’s oral hygiene at home, his or her smile still needs the advanced touch of a dental professional to ensure optimal health. Beginning at the age of about two or three years, your son or daughter should begin visiting the dentist for regular check-ups every six months. During these visits, we’ll inspect every tiny tooth for signs of decay or other damage, as well as the delicate tissues of the gums. We’ll also assess the growth of the jaw to ascertain proper development.

If we do discover any issues, including cavities, our caring experts will discuss with you the methods best suited to correct the problem. To prevent tooth decay before it becomes a serious concern, our dentists may recommend fortifying fluoride treatments and/or sealants. These visits also offer a great opportunity to talk with your child’s dentist about ways you can make home hygiene more engaging and fun. When your child loves taking care of his or her teeth beginning at an early age, you can be sure that their future will see many happy, healthy smiles.

Schedule Your Child’s Dental Appointment Today

Whether your little one is due for a check-up or you have questions about his or her oral health, we are here to help. Contact your local dentists in Phoenix, AZ and Peoria, AZ today to reserve your appointment. We look forward to serving you and your family!

Avoid Future Health Problems with Periodontal Disease Treatment Today

January 20, 2014

Shutterstock Health Body PerioIf you’ve noticed that your gums are sensitive, bleed when you brush, or seem to be pulling away from your teeth, you may be affected by periodontal disease. Don’t worry, you’re certainly not alone. In fact, current statistics show that approximately 80 percent of our country’s population has some form of gum disease, though the majority are unaware of it. Treating periodontal disease now can actually help protect against a number of other, potentially more serious, health problems in the future.

The Importance of Periodontal Health

Though best known as the number one cause of adult tooth loss in America, gum disease also contributes to a number of other serious health complications. Some of the other medical problems associated with untreated periodontal disease include:

  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Gastrointestinal disorders
  • Increased risk of stroke and heart attack
  • Pulmonary hypertension (high blood pressure in the lungs)
  • General hypertension
  • Preterm birth and low birth weight infants in women with periodontal disease
  • Coronary artery disease

Problems like these are the result of an infection that begins in the oral cavity and spreads to the rest of the body via the blood stream. If detected early and treated properly, though, gum disease can be completely eradicated, returning the patient’s oral health to normal and reducing the risk for these types of problems.

Restoring Oral and Overall Health

Finding the right kind of periodontal therapy for your unique case doesn’t have to be a challenge. Contact your local dentists in Phoenix and Glendale for more information about how gum disease treatment can help you maintain your overall health today. Our office also welcomes patients from West Phoenix, Peoria and the surrounding areas.

Get the Flawless Smile of Your Dreams with Porcelain Veneers

January 3, 2014

Shutterstock Veneers coupleYour smile is one of the first things people notice about you. If your teeth are cracked, yellowed or unevenly spaced, chances are that you often find yourself hiding your smile from others. You may feel self-conscious or even embarrassed in social interactions. Fortunately, there is a solution to cosmetic dental problems like these, and it’s simpler than you might think: porcelain veneers.

Why Choose Porcelain Veneers?

Also called dental veneers, porcelain veneers are durable, stain-resistant layers of tooth-colored porcelain that fit perfectly over the front surfaces of your teeth. You care for them the same way you do your natural teeth, brushing daily and maintaining regular visits to your dentist for checkups. In the majority of cases, the entire process can be completed in just two office visits, making porcelain veneers the quickest and most efficient solution to a variety of dental flaws. Some of the most common problems corrected with porcelain veneers are:

  • Crooked or otherwise misaligned teeth
  • Gaps between teeth in the smile zone
  • Yellowing and discoloration that resists professional whitening
  • Chips and fractures in the enamel
  • Misshapen teeth or teeth that are too small
  • Excessively “gummy” smiles

Using only the latest in cosmetic dentistry technology, porcelain veneers are customized to fit your unique dentition. The result is a beautifully uniform smile that looks natural and restores your self-confidence in practically no time at all.

Transform Your Smile with Veneers

Contact your local dentists in Glendale and Phoenix today to find out how simple it can be to get a brilliant new smile with porcelain veneers. We look forward to rejuvenating your look with exceptional cosmetic dentistry services. We also welcome patients from West Phoenix, Peoria and more.

Experience Dental Implants in Peoria

September 17, 2013

Implants new smallLosing a tooth can be a devastating blow, both for your oral health and your self-confidence. Many patients find it hard to even leave the house when they have unsightly gaps in their smile, much less interact meaningfully with friends or colleagues for fear of being humiliated. Even worse, it often leads to an increased risk of gum disease and additional tooth loss. While restorative tools such as dentures and bridges have been available for quite some time, their purported bulkiness and unnatural feel leaves many patients feeling unsatisfied. Thankfully, there’s another choice: dental implants. With the help of dental implants, Peoria patients can have their full smiles seamlessly recreated and their enthusiasm resurrected!

The process is simple – first, your local Peoria dentist will place a small, titanium post into the appropriate empty socket. This will serve as your tooth’s new root, keeping your jawbone healthy and full.

Then, once an appropriate amount of time has passed for the new tooth root to fuse with your soft tissue, you’ll return to your local dentist’s office so that they can place a beautiful, customized crown atop the post, completing the process.

While the process differs from practice to practice, your local dentists in Peoria can carry out the entire dental implants procedure in their office, including both the surgery and the creation of your new restoration. You’ll be able to enjoy a revitalized smile again sooner than you think!

Contact your local dentists today to schedule an appointment! Peoria patients are welcome to visit either our Glendale or Phoenix office. We can’t wait to help your teeth become healthier and happier than ever before.

Regain Self-Confidence and a Stunning Smile with Cosmetic Dentistry Services

August 5, 2013

10009606Your smile is often the first thing people notice about you when you meet them for the first time. Of course, while some people may enjoy knowing this little tidbit of information, others find it a nightmare. Cracks, chips, stains, gaps, and even missing teeth – all of these dental injuries can negatively impact the look of your smile and keep you from feeling completely confident, which could cost you valuable opportunities in both professional and social settings. Even patients who have worked hard to maintain teeth and gums that are healthy may still suffer from imperfections that are caused by genetics, age, or even that innocent cup of coffee every morning.

Thankfully, your local dentists offer cosmetic dentistry to Peoria patients, a branch of oral healthcare that focuses on the visual beauty of your smile, not just its overall health. While services vary from practice to practice, our Peoria dentists offers porcelain veneers, teeth whitening, and cosmetic bonding and contouring. All of these procedures can dramatically improve smiles and help them look new and refreshed. Additionally, your dentist can also work with you to create a smile makeover plan that will best your preferences, time commitments, and budget.

When undergoing cosmetic dentistry, your local dentist will first thoroughly inspect your teeth and gums for any signs of damage or decay. Oral health is still the most crucial aspect of your smile – that’s why any problems will need to treated beforehand. Once that’s done, we’ll begin transforming your teeth!

Our offices in Phoenix and Glendale offer warm, compassionate, and wildly effective care when it comes to all their services, and cosmetic dentistry is no exception. We also serve the Peoria and West Phoenix areas.

Keep Your Loves Ones Smiling with Family Dentistry

January 16, 2013

child_brushingAt its core, family dentistry is about making dental visits easier for a family that includes both adults and children. It can be frustrating for parents to have to find both a general dentist for themselves and a pediatric one for their kids. When working with a dentist who offers family dentistry, these parents can get all the services they’re looking for in one convenient location. These dentists are skilled at handling patients as young as four years old, and they’re able to adjust their care as children grow older to accommodate their changing needs.

While family dentistry services can vary from practice to practice, our dentists in Phoenix and Peoria focus on regular check-ups and establishing good oral health routines. After all, it’s important to start practicing these habits at a young age, and it can help eliminate some of the anxiety that kids feel when faced with going to the dentist. In addition, family dentistry often includes preventive treatments so that children and their patients can prevent all kinds of unpleasant conditions, from bruxism to TMJ to gum disease and everything in between.

Dentists who practice family dentistry can also provide helpful tools like fluoride supplements or dental sealants for children. These are effective and easy ways to keep teeth healthy and protect them from decay.

The beginning of a new year is a perfect time to get you and your family on the path to proper and effective dental care. If more than six months have passed, call your local family dentist to set up an appointment. Our offices in Peoria and West Phoenix can provide you with quality family dentistry care as well. We also serve the rest of Phoenix, Glendale, and surrounding areas.

General Dentistry: What You Should Know

January 8, 2013

pt ed background - six pixWhen navigating all the different treatments and procedures available in the world of dental health, it can be easy to confuse services and become unsure of what help you need. Cosmetic dentistry and restorative dentistry are pretty self-explanatory categories, but what about general dentistry? It’s important for patients to understand all the services that fall under general dentistry, as well as the crucial role they play in your overall dental health.

While there isn’t an exact list of general dentistry services that is universal among dentists, your dentists in Phoenix and Peoria define them as:

  • Children’s Dentistry
  • TMJ Therapy
  • Nightguards for Bruxism
  • Snoring and Sleep Apnea Therapy
  • Gum Disease Treatment
  • Extractions and Oral Surgery

General dentistry deals mainly with the day-to-day care of your teeth and gums. In addition, as you can see from the list, preventive measures are an important factor. Your general dentist will make sure you’re protected from several conditions that can have negative effects on your oral health, such as TMJ, bruxism, sneep apnea, and gum disease.

In addition to these services, one of the most important general dentistry services a dentist can provide is a regular check-up, which should ideally be scheduled twice a year. During a checkup, your dentist can see the results of your brushing and flossing habits and give advice for future care. In addition, they can look for common problems, such as cavities or signs of gum disease. A check-up is also the time when your teeth will be thoroughly cleaned.

By going to a general dentist, you’re proving that you’re committed to keeping your mouth healthy and happy. A general dentist can prescribe preventive treatments, closely monitor you for potential problems, and if a more specific or difficult treatment is needed, can refer you to a dentist who specializes in that care.

Our offices in Peoria and West Phoenix can provide you with quality general dental care, as well as serve as your link to the rest of the dental health care world. We also serve the rest of Phoenix, Glendale, and surrounding areas.

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