If you have a chipped, slightly misaligned, or otherwise imperfect tooth that needs cosmetic restoration, we may suggest cosmetic bonding. One of our dentists at our office in Phoenix will rebuild your tooth’s pleasing shape using a small amount of composite resin that is shaded to blend with your tooth's natural color. You can enjoy a beautiful new smile in just one visit! Feel free to contact our staff if you have any questions.
Cosmetic bonding is a dental procedure designed to repair minor dental defects and injuries such as chips, cracks, stains, and gaps by covering them up or filling them in. To perform this procedure, our dentist will apply a tiny amount of tooth-colored composite resin to the flaw in your tooth and artistically sculpt and polish it so that it sits seamlessly with the rest of your smile. He will then cure the resin using a special light to ensure that it forms a sturdy and long-lasting bond. With excellent care, the results of cosmetic bonding can last for up to seven years.
Since cosmetic bonding is a non-invasive procedure that doesn’t usually require anesthesia, almost anyone can be a suitable candidate for it. This treatment may be ideal for patients who wish to address minor imperfections such as gaps, stains, chips, and cracks, and it can be completed in minutes without anesthesia during a routine dental appointment. This makes it possible for a person to drive to and from our office to receive this procedure during their lunch break at work. However, any cavities, gum disease, or other oral infections will have to be resolved before a patient can receive cosmetic bonding. The only way to receive a definitive answer as to whether you can be a good candidate for the procedure is through a consultation at our office.
Cosmetic bonding can easily and conveniently deliver a range of benefits for a patient wishing to quickly and effectively enhance their smile’s appearance. These include: