Do you have a cracked, broken, or decayed tooth that’s detracting from your appearance and dental health? Once the structure is compromised, you should treat your troubled tooth sooner rather than later to avoid potential infection, contagious cavities, and additional injuries.
Fortunately, our Smile Fitness Dental Center Team has a royal repair for damaged teeth with dental crowns. Continue reading to learn more about these remarkable restorations, and feel free to contact us for additional information.
Dental crowns are customizable tooth-shaped caps that cover, protect, and restore a tooth that’s too far gone to be treated effectively with a filling. Depending on your needs, they can be made of various materials, like porcelain, resin, metal, or porcelain-fused-to-metal.
These covers are designed to match the shade, shape, and size of your natural teeth and then are cemented over them to preserve them in circumstances that might otherwise require extraction and replacement. They’re also included on each side of a dental bridge to anchor it in place or can cover a dental crown or misshapen tooth to refurbish your grin.
Before being fitted with a dental crown, you must consult with one of our providers to ensure you’re a good candidate. Our team will update your medical history and examine your mouth to determine whether any additional services, like gum disease therapy, might be required before moving forward.
Next, we’ll prepare your tooth by removing a small amount of enamel so that your prosthetic fits correctly. Once that’s complete, we’ll make impressions and take images, then send them to a special dental lab to build your new tooth to your unique specifications. It can take a couple of weeks to arrive, so we’ll place a temporary crown to shield your smile in the meantime.
Once the final restoration arrives, we’ll replace the short-term solution with the real deal. Then, we’ll remove any excess cement and check the fit to make sure you can bite down comfortably before sending you on your way.
There are several advantages to getting a dental crown in Phoenix, including: